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We Remember @ home , April 21, 2020

We had a very moving virtual meeting with Prof. Aharon Weiss on Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel. More than 220 people joined us and twice as much attended this e-meeting. We were all deeply moved by Aharon's deep and broad knowledge, wisdom and by his personal story of survival in hiding in Boryslaw.
The meeting was set in motion and executed by our young generation. Our thanks to Ayelet Geva, Hani Poultorak and Alon Issashar.
Watch a recorded video of the event (in Hebrew) here.

Things we haven't mentioned" - Following our Zoom meeting with Prof. Aharon Weiss on Holocaust Remebrence Day last month,
we had a follow-up Zoom meeting with him (in Hebrew) on Monday, May 11th, 2020.
Watch a recorded video here